Monday, 8 November 2010

Channelling Kev'

it took ages to set up all the bottles to film Chris's real -world game of Pac-Man

I'm Back!!

Apologies to you all for my absence of late, that has been largely down to any time in front of a computer being dedicated to editing Little Things. That and it's a difficult time of year, those of you that either know Rach and I personally or read my other blog will understand why. 

I've suffered some setbacks. I was using our old family PC to edit the flick. When the footage was fine, there was no issue, but where I needed to tweak lighting or colour or sound, it fell on its arse. So a new tool was required for the job. Enter Mister Steve Jobs and the mighty iMac. The new machine was ordered a couple of weeks ago and whilst awaiting it's arrival I called a temporary hiatus on editing. So in the meantime I started listening to Kevin Smith's podcasts in the hope that I would become more well informed about the process of producing indie movies on a limited budget. I'm not. I am more will informed about sucking dick.

The editing hiatus has proved to be a sensible decision as now that the iMac is here, no amount of jiggling about with things has allowed me to get the existing edit files to work with the new machine, possibly due to the questionable origin of the editing software. In the absence of an alternative solution, I shouted at the screen a lot. Then I had a decision to make.

Option 1 - go back to the old computer. Well that would defeat the object of getting the new computer and more crucially might cause my wife to murder me.

Optioin 2 - I trawl the internet for solutions to the problem. Well I'm not techie enough to even know what I'm fucking looking for so that could take forever

Option 3 - Start over. Unappealing as that may have sounded, it would probably be less time consuming, that and I could un-fuck some of my early editing mistakes

So I started over. And you'll be happy to hear that because I know a little more about what I'm doing I have now nearly caught up with where I was before my upgrade. 

I have set myself a pretty tight deadline. Early submissions for the Edinburgh Film Festival ends on the 4th of December. I want to get an edit done, in enough time that I can show it to someone who knows more than me and tell me if Little Things is good enough for it to be worth my while entering. So with only a couple of weeks to edit the flick this is probably the last you'll hear from me for a little while. So in order to keep things going I am putting out a request for guest posts. Cast and crew, I know most of you read this so, please, your two cents would be appreciated. Even if you were one of the guys who was only there for part of one of the days, I'm sure the rest of the interweb that read this would love to hear from you.

I will sit and stare at my inbox awaiting responses.

PS - Peter. Not you.

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