I have known Mark for a number of years now and must admit that it came as no surprise to me that he wasn’t entirely fulfilled by the job that he does. Mark is not a pen pusher. He is not of the 9am-5pm, ‘think before speaking’ business mould. Nope, I think it is safe to say that were it not for his Irish charm and sparkling wit, he’d have been ousted from his position of relative power. As it is I think the illustrious leaders are simply too afraid of the barrage of profanity that a challenge would draw to even consider curtailing his spirit.
Thankfully, the corporate world is not responsible for spotting talent but what it does provide is a reasonable income (that I know of) and regular(ish) hours around which great masterpieces can be created. Not that I am buttering him up of course, after all, *I* still have a copy of the first script Mark wrote. Suffice to say, it ain’t pretty. I have that little beauty filed under ‘My Pension’ and am hoping that true stardom awaits him so that I can retire.
Dodgy early attempts aside, I don’t think anyone who knows him has any doubt that Mark is capable of greatness. He has the chutzpah, the turn of phrase and the absolute disdain for rules and authority required to be successful. From what I have seen of the rough cut, Little Things will be the true first attempt for him to be proud of.
It isn’t hard to admire the tenacity or the force of will that it takes to hold down a job and pursue your dreams. It isn’t difficult to recognise dedication and commitment and be in awe of it. It is kinda tough to realise that the person displaying all these cool traits is a ‘regular joe’ and that you’re therefore no longer entitled to believe that pursuing ones dream is something that only other people do. But having said all of that I also know that it hasn’t been an easy road. I have only been on the outside of some of the toughest years that a person can experience and this only makes me admire him more.
No matter what happens with Little Things, I have no doubt that great things await Mark and I so look forward to the day when I can say ‘I knew him when….’
So now that there has been another guest post does that mean I'm allowed write here again?