Monday, 31 January 2011

The Soundtrack

Ironically a post about music comes along as my stepdaughter is glued to Glee in the other room. That's not the reason I'm writing this. I'm writing this because part of the score has come through from I Phoenix, and it's fucking awesome.

When I wrote the script for Little Things I wrote two scenes that are entirely visual and were backed by music. In the script the tracks I chose were by Elbow and Radiohead. I have on numerous occasions mentioned that this film has no budget. Published music is not only expensive to procure the rights for but nigh on impossible to find the person who has the rights. So I needed some tunes that I could use instead. So I started to look for an alternative. 

Way back in August you may recall that I mentioned that the music for Little Things was being provided by a great band called The Crow Hearts. My "Sound" guy Arun Parmar doesn't do movie sound as his main thing. Arun is a sound engineer who's primary area of expertise is recording music. The Crow Hearts are a band that Arun recorded. I know a couple of the guys through him and I love their tunes so I asked if I could use their tracks and they were kind enough to agree. 

But it wasn't sitting right... 

I tried cutting their tracks into the rough cuts a couple of times, but they weren't quite working. Nothing wrong with the tracks, quite the opposite. they're great tunes, I have them on my ipod and play them all the time, I love them. Just not in Little Things. 

Enter my brother, Peter. More specifically enter, my brothers mates who are in an Irish band; I Phoenix. Irish as in from Ireland, not as in diddley-aye-no-nay-never-paddy-fuckin-whackery Based on the conversation he had with them they could compose music in the style of my choosing to suit the scenes. Got to be honest, I was sceptical. Style of my choosing? Seriously? Okay we'll see.

I sent the guys a cut of Little Things before Christmas. Delays were caused by Arctic weather conditions back in Ireland and Kevin's gastroenteritis. (I've had gastroenteritis, the worst thing I remember is the horrific realisation that I was likely to survive) but finally the tracks came through today. Fuck me they're good. But they're not only good, they're right. 

I cut the tracks into the film and I am so happy with the results, I am a hair's breadth away from Little Things being totally finished. Just need people to see it now.

Please check out I Phoenix's free download at but don't expect it to be what the music in Little Things sounds like, because the guys wrote music in the style that I requested. Oh me of little faith.

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