Saturday, 22 October 2011

"Producing a Short Film". Next Week, "Picking up Mercury with Chopsticks"

Last time I posted I was hoping that by now "Colleagues" would be in the can. Not the case I'm afraid. Even thought the shoot only involves myself and three others, finding a day when we are all free for two hours has been unbelievably hard. 

It's a two hour evening shoot. Chris has commitments with Christmas panto rehearsals, Richie works a shift pattern and Arun has paid sound recording gigs that he is fitting 'Colleagues' into.

We've had to reschedule twice and now we are hoping to get the shoot done mid November.

More updates will come, in the meantime if you haven't seen the Broc Glic Productions website, please check it out. It's still a work in progress but I'd love to hear your opinions

