Monday, 14 November 2011

DIY Film Making Gear

Well it's been a while. My bloggery-pokery has had to suffer at the hands of everything else, most notably, two scripts I'm working on, 2 shorts currently in production, a day job that eats up nearly all of my time and a 8 month old that eats up the rest. The scripts are two early on to discuss yet, the day job is not very interesting to this audience and as enthralling as it is to me, talking about learning how to crawl, stand and talk is not for this blog

So that leaves the productions. 

First I'll talk about 'I Don't Bite'. I realised early on that 'I Don't BIte' was going to be a significantly more ambitious project than 'Little Things' ever was. Longer script, more locations, low light, special effects. I have on previous occasions talked about biting off more than I can chew with 'Little Things' so with that in mind I have been actively looking for a Director of Photography. I put an ad on film crew pro, explaining that this is a zero budget film and from that I have a shortlist of about 5 candidates all with really impressive showreels. 

And I thought casting was hard.

I'm also looking into funding for 'I Don't Bite'. One of the options is crowd funding. If that's a road I'll go down presumably you'll be hearing a lot more.

Colleagues is due to be shot (finally) a week on Saturday. Because the story is really short and there is only one location, In order to make it more visually interesting. I have made a home made dolly. 

After a lot of trial and error and a deep stanley knife cut on my finger the result is below.

As you can see it's a skateboard. The camera is mounted on a cheap tripod head, which is mounted onto another skateboard wheel for a really smooth panning action, which in turn is mounted onto the leg from a kitchen unit, you can see that a bit better here

I also stuck a drawer handle on it to control the movement.

I also made a boom pole. Boom poles cost about £80. EIGHTY FUCKING QUID! FOR A POLE!!! Alternatively you can spend about £4 on a mic holder, £1.50 on a nut and bolt and £8 on a 2M painters pole, and VoilĂ  

Hopefully you will see the results of my resourcefulness soon

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